What's Happening

The post-holiday retaking of the house has commenced! Youngest two are back in high school, daughter’s back in college, and the third oldest is recently employed full-time (can I get an Amen?)


But holidays were extra special in this competitive household. We built, danced, met new family, laughed, beat on each other (in a good way) and most of all spent it together. On Christmas Day, four of us headed down to Arizona to visit Grandma Liz. Managed to sneak a 10-mile hike in the desert while were there. Saw a bunch of wild asses. Not mine.

I flew from there to Reno to check in on Dad who is struggling with some health issues. Then back to Colorado where met our long-lost (recently back from deployment) oldest son and his girlfriend.


Only four weeks out from the release of the Tyler Zahn prequel Damaged. Already over 30 early Goodreads reviews, all positive, and I’m excited about the launch. Received HAVOC (Tyler Zahn #5) back from my sister/editor and am deep in rewrites. Thank you to all the beta readers who have been volunteering to read early versions.

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