What's Happening

Enjoyed a great launch for Scorched at the end of August with two of our local bookstores. Once Upon a Trapeze hosted me for launch day sales on the 29th. Two Dog Market in Leadville set me up the next night, right as the train was rolling in. Cheese, wine, great conversations…and I sold a lot of books.

The picture above is me (leg 9) handing off to my feather-bedecked teammate (leg 10) during the Flaming Foliage Relay—165 miles over three mountain passes from Idaho Springs to Buena Vista. Although I’ve run with the Flamin’ Flamingos before, this is the first time we’ve fielded all ten members of our team in person. We pulled together a respectable performance over our 27-hour run—but mostly we had a whole bunch of fun.

The following week I was in San Antonio for Authorfest. This “workshop” is sponsored by my indie publisher Black Rose Writing and has turned into one of my favorite events of the year. After spending a year reading each other’s books, it’s pretty special to get a chance to meet in person. Plus, we learned a ton about marketing, editing, and BRW’s strategic direction.

I helped run incident command for one of our more challenging missions last month on Huron Peak. Fortunately, the subject is well on the way to recovery. Unfortunately, one of our members broke his hand while shielding the subject from a falling rock. Here’s a link to the news report.

Matt’s out of his cast and almost recovered from his broken leg. Josh is getting some reps on JV football. Max bought a motorcycle. Jake’s deployed. I keep thinking the older they get, the less you worry. Still waiting.

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