Month: December 2021

Klara Meets Cloud Cuckoo Land

 BY Kazuo Ishiguro and Anthony Doerr

No, the title above is not an actual book. I just finished reading Klara Meets the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro and Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr.

Not my usual genre—both these authors are writers of literature, as opposed to my go-to authors of mystery, crime, and suspense. But these two had already lured me in years ago—Ishiguro with his Remains of the Day (Booker Prize) and Never Let Me Go; Doerr with All the Light We Cannot See (Pulitzer Prize) and his collection of short stories, The Shell Collector. Ishiguro writes concise prose, able to say so much with just the right words. Doerr turns poetry into paragraphs even I can enjoy! 

Imagine my surprise as I turned to literature this month and found both these books included a glimpse into the future, far enough forward that you could accuse the authors of dabbling in science fiction.

Klara and the Sun reveals a world where Alexa and Siri are no longer voice helpers, but Artificial Friends that walk, talk, and think—sentient, in fact. Ishiguro neglects setting and science (we readers aren’t sure where the story takes place or how the science works) in favor of character and existentialism. It works…and proves a page-turner comes in many forms. 

Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land deftly hops between characters from the 1453 siege of Constantinople, present day Lakeport, Idaho (based on one of my top-5 “I want to retire there” locations—McCall, ID), and a spaceship bound for a new “Earth” in 2146, all tied together by an inextricable attraction to an ancient Greek story of a utopia in the skies. 

Wait. That sentence above was long and awkward and doesn’t inspire a lot of enthusiasm to read the book, right? Trust me. Anthony Doerr can make the long read fast and he leaves out the awkward. He’s a masterful storyteller and Cloud Cuckoo Land is just plain fun, in that special way a “story with a meaning” can be. 

So, which to read first? If you’re feeling like a realist this week and are interested less about optimism than about pondering our future, start with Klara Meets the Sun. It’s a short (but engaging) read and you’ll spend more time thinking about Ishiguro’s characterizations of mankind’s future priorities than you did reading the book. My favorite quote, however, shows what doesn’t change: 

“I suppose I’m saying [she] and I will always be together at some level, some deeper one, even if we go out there and don’t see each other any more. I can’t speak for her. But once I’m out there, I know I’ll always keep searching for someone just like her.” 

But if it’s hope and idealism you seek, even in the face of a virus that won’t go away and an uncertain climate, then turn to Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land. Like Ishiguro, he pokes at what’s existentially important in a declining world: 

“But as he reconstructs Zeno’s translation, he realizes that the truth is infinitely more complicated, that we are all beautiful even as we are all part of the problem, and that to be part of the problem is to be human.”

Both books are beautifully written by talented authors. You’ll find as much joy in thinking about what you just read as you did hoping the books wouldn’t end.


Don’t Look, Ethel…

Don't Look, Ethel...

There’s a rumor around the family that I was a third-grade streaker. According to this fake news, I only exercised this habit when the folks were away and the babysitter was in charge. Maybe I have a lingering memory of this embarrassment? Maybe not—could be something my sisters made up. It was the ‘70s after all and Ray Stevens had just launched his album Boogity Boogity—so I’m going to claim I was unduly influenced by the social media of the day.

But I’m not embarrassed about my current streaking habit. My sister-in-law and niece challenged the other sisters (I’m married to one of them) and myself to a running streak—how many days in a row can you run at least a mile? And you have to check-in by text each day when you’re done. Now I do quite a bit of running, but I always take at least two days off a week, so I wasn’t sure about this one. But then I thought “a mile?” How hard could it be to add 5,280 feet to the off days?

So here we are at Day 61. I was hoping the benefits of the streak would include better endurance. Faster times. Maybe…self-actualization?

Nah. None of that.

But I ain’t quitting, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because of the check-ins!

These texts are my daily dose of humor. OK, it started pretty tame. I think on Day 8 someone posted a pic of an 8-ball. Then on Day 10, I posted a clip of Bo Derek running down the beach. “Game on,” right? The ladies got into it on a #12 argument between Roger Staubach (they are all Dallas, born and raised) and Tom Brady. A walk down memory lane on Day 20 with a pic of a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. OJ Simpson hurdling suitcases at the airport on Day 32 had me ROFL (I’m learning…but shouldn’t it be ROTFL?) Now we’re just starting to push boundaries with the AK-47 pic and an ad for 50 Shades of Grey.

But these texts are also check-ins with family that wouldn’t have happened as often without “the streak.” We know who’s having a good day and who isn’t. We’re organizing our next hike. Sharing Christmas prep. And doing a lot of laughing. I’m not a big telephone guy, but I love these daily bits of family connection.

I’ll keep on streakin.’ Doing it for family!

“Pardon me sir, did you see what happened?

Yeh, I did…I was standing over there by the tomatoes

And here he come

Running thru the pole beans, thru the fruits and vegetables

Naked as a jay-bird

And I hollered over at Ethel…I said don’t look Ethel

It was too late, she’d already been incensed…”

A Place For More “Vans Down By the River?”

You can’t shake a stick around Denver without hitting an occupied motorhome parked on the side of the Mile High City’s streets. 

There are hundreds upon hundreds of individuals in Denver who call these ubiquitous motorhomes or recreational vehicles (RVs) home. There are a greater number of Denver homeowners who call these same vehicles an eyesore, a safety concern, and an environmental hazard. 

I found myself driving one of these cluttered streets with my significant other, who made a comment that made me go, “hmmmm.” 

“Why not make an RV Park just for these quasi-homeless, outside of town, with dump stations, water, and electricity. Where they can park without fear of being towed?” she asked. 

I answered with an observation that didn’t come close to addressing the issue. 

“Transportation. If you move them out of the city, away from the bus and metro, then if they find a job, they don’t have a way to get to it.” 

She gave me the nod. The one that means, “OK. Valid point. Is that all you got?” 

Well, it was. At that time. At that spot. But it got my ruminating side going. RV parks for those with nowhere else to go. Is that a thing? Do they work? How do they work? Aren’t they addressing the symptoms of homelessness rather than the root problem? 

The COVID-19 epidemic highlighted the vulnerability of the homeless and accelerated innovative proposals that had been waiting for someone to pay. With federal COVID funds available, cities across the United States began looking at ways to get the homeless off the streets and into living quarters. You can read about a successful RV housing program at San Francisco’s Pier 94 and the failed projects in San Jose and Seattle here. But what you can’t find out there on the Internet is a single instance in which providing an RV park for the homeless resulted in a long-term, permanently funded, solution to homelessness in a city. Spoiler alert: you won’t find a solution in this blog either. 

Because it’s complicated. 

Let’s do some point/counterpoint on this RV park concept: 

Point: Shelter and sanitation are basic human rights. Providing RV parks for the homeless grants these rights. 

The quasi-homeless living in street-side RVs have it better than most of the homeless population. Thousands are living in tents or under tarps and relieving themselves on or near local landscaping. But those in RVs are also often without heat or water and run into the same problem with waste due to full tanks. Five-gallon buckets dumped in sewer drains or on vacant lots
provide a dumping solution. 

Counterpoint: OK. If you build it, they will come. But what next? 

Once you move the homeless to an RV park, what comes next? “Get a job,” is the most oft-quoted response. It is also the response that shows a lack of awareness about the homeless problem. Depending on where you search for statistics, data shows a quarter to a half of all homeless struggle with mental health disorders and/or drug and alcohol addiction. Giving these people a roof over their heads, water, and electricity might be the right thing to do, but it won’t “cure” most from the underlying conditions that led to their life on the streets. Note: Homeless in shelters have lower rates of mental health
issues and/or alcohol/drug issues—so, quasi-homeless in RVs may have lower rates as well.

Bottom line: If you’re going to fund the RV park, then you should fund the required counseling and treatment to address conditions preventing your tenants from gaining employment. 

Point: The RV park concept gets all these vehicles and people off our streets 

How about a city we are proud of and not one that looks like a graveyard for 1970s RVs and a repository for blue tarps? If we build these parks with the appropriate infrastructure and support, then our streets will shine again and we’ll look like a city that takes care of its homeless. The San Francisco Pier 94 program is a success story. Built with federal COVID funds, San Francisco will sustain it with state funds. 

Counterpoint: Who is going to pay for it? Who is going to maintain it? 

Great. Who is going to pay for it? It’s a rhetorical question because everyone knows the money will come from the taxpayer’s pocket. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a federal program using emergency funds or a city program run by volunteer organizations (funded by government grants,) this RV park initiative is a burden paid for by taxpayers who did not create the problem but live with it every day. And it’s not like the government has a great track record for effective and efficient use of funds for projects like these. Look what happened in San Jose—$1.3M spent before they relocated the 37
residents and the project shut down for escalating costs. If you’re going to
build it, a long-term sustainment plan is required—one built from guaranteed resources and not from emergency funds and contingency volunteers. 

Bottom Line: You can’t build this concept like an experimental refugee stream. It has to be programmed and developed in the same fashion as a permanent homeless shelter—with consideration for transportation, food, waste management, counseling, job training, and safety factored in before the gates open. 

Point: The RV park concept makes our neighborhoods safer because we no longer have the quasi-homeless parked on every street. 

It’s not just the local residents who feel insecure when walking down a sidewalk populated by the homeless. Other homeless people can feel threatened as well. It’s not the homeless descriptor that frightens others. It’s the known fact that mental illness and drug/alcohol use are more prevalent
among this population than others that makes these streets feel less safe than
others. Centralizing these RVs in designated parks makes more streets safer. 

Counterpoint: Right. You build these parks and now they are all together in one spot. And everyone who lives near that one spot is now concerned about their own safety. 

Does moving these RVs and people to a central RV park really make more people safer? Tell that to the people in Los Angeles County’s Westchester where the congregation of RVs and tents sits just yards from a local school. It doesn’t matter where in a city you build this RV camp, it’s going to be in someone’s “back yard.” And if you build the project far away from the city population, you’ve built a detention center rather than a housing solution that allows for potential future training and employment. 

Bottom Line: There is not an “in-city” RV park solution which will make everybody happy. But centralizing these RVs would make larger sections of the city safer. 

 Point: Providing the homeless a “permanent” home in the RV park helps them restore their dignity. 

A permanent shelter in a neighborhood setting can restore a homeless person’s sense of dignity, giving them a place they can call their own. When the person doesn’t have to spend the day wondering where they will sleep or park next, worried about their safety, or searching for their next meal, it allows them the stability and time to get themselves together. 

Counterpoint: Does it really? 

Some would argue giving the homeless a permanent place to live without asking for something in return does not provide dignity. As Andrew C. Brown, director of the Center for Families and Children at the Texas Public
Policy Foundation and Michele Steeb, former CEO of Saint John’s Program for Real Change in Sacramento noted, Giving them (the homeless) a roof over their head without expecting them to address the root causes of their homelessness robs them of their inherent dignity and the opportunity to reach their full potential.” 

Bottom Line: The RV park solution alone is not the answer. It has to be connected to an opportunity for the residents to either receive treatment for the disability that factors into their homelessness or training and employment assistance for a future that allows the resident a pathway to becoming a tax-payer who contributes to the type of shelter in which they once lived. 

I said at the beginning of this piece, “it’s complicated.” If it wasn’t, then every city would copy the success stories around the country and their streets would overflow with lemonade stands and kids playing kick-the-can instead of stationary RVs. 

This post looked at one concept with a soda-straw view and didn’t address the root causes of homelessness, the potential of low-income housing initiatives, the scourge of drug and alcohol addiction, or dealing with mental illness. Heck, we didn’t even discuss whether the RV park would provide the RVs for the resident like they did (or planned) in San Francisco and San Jose, or whether residents could tow or drive their current RVs to a designated park.

The point I wanted to make was the same one Colin Powell made prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. “If you break it, you own it.” By this, I mean that if you are going to use our citizens’ fiscal resources on an initiative to help the homeless, then you need to plan it, fund it, execute it, and maintain it. Not half-ass it. Pulling the homeless off the streets and giving them a roof over their head in an RV park is not a solution. But housing opportunities, as part of a comprehensive rehabilitative and vocational effort to reduce the number of homeless, could provide hope for those in need and make our cities a better place to live.

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